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Reggae drum kit notation

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The idea of using drums for rituals and celebration goes back to early recorded history, across a range of cultures. The art of drumming is one of the oldest forms of music and music communication. That being said, music has many genres and sub-genres. Since as music is a universal medium, there are many forms of inspiration to help compose music and keep this incredible form of communication evolving. Music is a universal entity – anyone, from anywhere in the world can engage with music. If music is a powerful communication tool, it can be argued that is its own language. Music is so powerful that it can even assist people with memories. Music can depict moods from angry to sad, and from happy to downright cheesy. We can communicate through music by playing an instrument, to listening, tapping, and singing songs with messages. Music is a special form of communication. Communication is one of the most essential things we do in everyday life to send or receive information, messages, and signals from each other.

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